Metafora PhD Paris Region funding initiative Home METAglut1™ METAflow SNEP 2018, 27-28 April, Barcelone metabolism News Legal Mentions METAflow License Agreement Awards METAFORA receives exceptional reimbursement for its new blood test METAglut1 Accueil Privacy Policy​​ 2nd European Conference on Glut1 Deficiency- Matthews Friends, 22nd-23rd June 2018, Grinstead, UK METAFORA prizewinner of the “Concours d’Innovation” / Bpifrance METAglut1 gets CE marked First patient inclusion of the METAglut1 study Dietmar Hopp Metabolic Center is now equipped with METAglut1 test to conduct a validation study in Germany First inclusion of a retrospective patient in the validation study of the METAglut1™ test in Germany Last inclusion of a patient in METAglut1 validation study METAglut1 Story time: Domitille Gras testimony 2023 – METAglut1 Recommended for Coverage by HAS AP-HP talks about our test METAglut1, simple and fast, allowing the early testing for any type of phenotype Team Home-fr Protected: IFU older versions Strategic plans of the company RBDs revealed a metabolic stress induced by statins in muscle cells METAFORA biosystems is one of the 20 start-up selected for next Big Booster’s Boot camp in Boston! METAFORA is one of the top 20 French start-up Big Booster attend bootcamp in Boston David Finlay’s research group publish new result using METAFORA’s technology Laurent Yvan-Charvet’s research team publish new result using METAFORA’s technology Naomi Taylor’s research group publish new result using METAFORA’s technology Vincent Petit, METAFORA’s CEO, gives an interview New scientific board First European event on GLUT1 Deficiency Our Partnership with Cerba HealthCare METAFORA to attend the Actionaria event Metafora at Actionaria Our innovative technology becomes available for patients METAFORA and collaborators publishes a paper in Annals of Neurology Metafora Biosystems visiting Nashville METAFORA receives €3.2 M from H2020 SME Instrument program Protected: Webinar Protected: IFUmg1 Paris, 47th Annual Meeting of the “ Société Européenne de Neurologie Pédiatrique ” (SENP) METAglut1-fr Strasbourg, 29th Annual Meeting of the ” Société Française de Neurologie Pédiatrique ” (SFNP) Scientific Publications Events